The future of travel is under threat...

Do you love to travel? If airlines have their way (a doubling of flights every fifteen years with little in the way of rigorous plans for decarbonisation) we could blow our carbon budget, and lose all that we love about travel, and seeing the world. Take steps now to protect the future of travel.

Airlines have to listen to their customers, as do politicians to their constituents. Here we provide you with the tools to challenge, and the knowledge of the key issues. 

The key issues

  • – Understanding the greenwash
  • – The challenges ahead for aviation key explainers
  • – Safe Landing’s vision for the future of travel

Campaign guide

  • – Links to Stay Grounded, XR, etc
  • – Beginners guide to activism
  • – When you fly, a guide to making that flight count

Challenge airlines

  • – Template customer feedback forms for each airline
  • – Sample tweets and other posts calling them out on social media to post to your followers

The politicans

  • – The current politics of aviation: and how it can be improved
  • – Letter to your MP

How Airlines Greenwash